It's a different,
You can lose him to Bill or Beau.
He can gander with Gene or Joe.
But it's a different fable
Congressing ably with Mabel,
Yes, he dallies with that Mabel.
That's a whole different fable.
It's a wholly new
Tool for trans-shipment.
No news flirting with Charlie, Clyde
For they're the same under the hide.
But it's a completely new story,
If he pauses, then he dickers,
If he dickers with dull Dory.
Dull Dory, different story.
With a novel scent,
Distinct content.
Okay he sprang for Steve or Sid,
That's something that he always did!
But it's quite a taller yarn
If he morphs over to Yvonne,
Yes, Yvonne, not drag queen Yvonne,
Making Yvonne his dominant yarn.
It's a totally,
Yes, totally different,